
支付信息 & 网上缴费


点击这里 付你的账单



在医院或大内布拉斯加州医疗中心办理预约登记时 & Surgical 服务 Clinics, the Admission clerk will ask if you want the ability to pay online. If you do, your email address will be required. An email invitation will be automatically sent to you when your email address is loaded, allowing you to set up your User ID and Password from the comfort of your own home.

If you did not provide an email address at the time of your visit, 您可以致电BBGH 877-354-9107或GNMSS 877-818-1354提供您的电子邮件地址,以便收到报名邀请. 

Am I going to get emails from anyone besides the facility?

您将收到一封来自CPSI患者门户的电子邮件,以便注册您的用户名和密码. You will then be directed to the facility's 1-Pay site.

What is offered through the 1-Pay Service?

This service provides efficient, secure access to your balance information 24 hours a day, 一周7天.

Can I see more than just one visit?

This service allows you to view outstanding balances on all visits.

Do I have payment options or do I have to pay in full?

You are capable of making full or partial payments to multiple accounts.

How do I know my payment is safe?


How long does the payment processing take?

Payments are immediately reflected on your account.

What if I am waiting for insurance to pay?

付款只能在已完成所有保险流程的访问中进行. 如果保险未付, you will be able to see the visit(s) but will not be able to take any actions.